Maniac who killed father brother with hammer thought family was downloading child porn on his email

A paranoid New Mexico man accused of killing his father and brother with a hammer believed that his family was controlling his cellphone to download child porn and putting feces in his food, according to police.Best XXX porno video. Luis Noyola, 46, was nailed for double murder around 5 p.m. Sunday after allegedly fatally bashing his brother, 51-year-old Lucio Noyola, and his 88-year-old father, Francisco Javier Noyola, with a hammer at a residence in Las Cruces, KFOX 14 reported. When questioned by police, Noyola claimed the victims were engaged in an awful and elaborate conspiracy against him. Among his wild accusations were that Noyola’s older brother had stolen his identity which cut him off from government benefits; that he was controlling his cellphone and computer and using his email address to download child pornography and that his family was putting urine or feces in his food. Officers from the Las Cruces Police Department discovered the slain men on Monday after Noyola’s sister requested a welfare check. When Noyola’s sister had gone home to pick her mother up from church earlier in the day, Noyola answered the door and told her “you don’t want to come in here” — and said that he needed to clean up, according to court documents obtained by KFOX 14. Noyola seemed “rather serious” and “urged her to take their mother” with her, his sister said. A short time later, Noyola was contacted by another brother living in Arizona. He said Noyola had just called him and admitted to killing Lucio and Francisco.  She immediately called the police, who rushed to the home. Cops “noticed evidence of blood from the outside and smelled the odor of blood in the air” when he answered the door. Noyola quickly confessed, telling them “I just murdered my brother and father.” He told them he killed them with a hammer before trying to clean up the grisly scene. Noyola is charged with two counts of first degree murder and two counts of tampering with evidence. He’s being housed at the Dona Ana County Detention Facility, jail records show.